Carsten Kullmann M.A.

M.A. Carsten Kullmann
Faculty of Humanities (FHW)
Department III - Anglophone Studies
Department III - Anglophone Studies
Zschokkestraße 32,
D-39104 Magdeburg,
Building 40, Room 271
+49 391 67-56671
since April 2018 | Lecturer at the Chair of Anglophone Cultural and Literary Studies, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg |
since April 2018 | Doctoral Candidate at the Chair of Anglophone Cultural and Literary Studies, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg |
2015 - 2017 | Master's Degree British Literature, Culture and Linguistics, University of Leipzig |
2012 - 2015 | Bachelor's Degree British Literature, Culture and Linguistics, University of Leipzig |
Scholarships, Awards, Third-Party Funding
2023 | DAAD-funded travel allowance to Falmouth |
2020 | Funding by the German Association for the Study of British Cultures for organising a student conference |
Research Foci
- The Fantastic, esp. Urban Fantasy
- Popular Culture, esp. Anglophone Representations of Nazi Germany
- Urban Studies
- Affect Studies
- Cultural Memory
- History of Modern England
- Doctoral Thesis: "The Anxious City: Structures of Feeling in Twenty-First-Century London Urban Fantasy" (submitted)
- Association for Literary Urban Studies (ALUS)
- German Association for the Study of English
- German Association for the Study of British Cultures (BritCult) (Advisory Committee)
- German Association for the Study of the Fantastic (GfF)
- Inklings Society for Literature and Aesthetics (Vice President, Yearbook and Newsletter Editor)
- Literary London Society (LLS)
Edited Volumes
- with Kristin Aubel, Marion Gymnich and Aylin Walder. Dem Tode zum Trotz: Unsterblichkeit und Wiedergeburt in der Phantastik / Defying Death: Immortality and Rebirth in the Fantastic: Symposium 2023 in Magdeburg. Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2025. Inklings: Yearbook of Literature and Aesthetics 41. (forthcoming)
- with Maria Fleischhack and Patrick Schmitz. Religion, Glaube und Fantastik / Religion, Faith and the Fantastic: Symposium 2022 in Bochum. Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2024. Inklings: Yearbook of Literature and Aesthetics 40.
- "Policies of Suppression and Violence in the Fantastic Beasts Series." The Ivory Tower, Harry Potter, and Beyond, edited by Lana A. Whited, University of Missouri Press, 2023, pp. 305-23.
- "The Monobloc Chair: Democratising the Practice of Sitting." Res Mobilis vol. 9, no. 11, 2020, pp. 3-18. DOI: 10.17811/rm.9.11.2020.1-18
- "'Expecto Patronum': Animal Symbolism behind the Patronus Charm." Flora und Fauna in Fantastischen Welten: Symposium 2019 in Bonn, edited by Denise Burkhard, Marion Gymnich and Dieter Petzold, Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 161-80. Inklings: Yearbook of Literature and Aesthetics 37.
- "'Mudblood, and proud of it!': Analysing the Politics of Race in the Harry Potter Novels." Faszination Harry Potter / The Allure of Harry Potter: Symposium 2017 in Aachen, edited by Dieter Petzold, and Klaudia Seibel, Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 13-24. Inklings: Yearbook of Literature and Aesthetics 35.
- "Of Muggles and Men: Identifying Racism in the Harry Potter Series." Harry - Yer a Wizard: Exploring J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Universe, edited by Marion Gymnich, Hanne Birk, and Denise Burkhard, Textum, 2017, pp. 133-44.
- Rev. of Vom Binge Watching zum Binge Thinking: Untersuchungen im Wechselspiel zwischen Wissenschaften und Popkultur, edited by Martin Böhnert and Paul Reszke. MEDIENwissenschaft, no. 4, 2019, pp. 428-29. DOI:
- Rev. of Transforming Harry: The Adaptation of Harry Potter in the Transmedia Age, edited by John Alberti and P. Andrew Miller. MEDIENwissenschaft, no. 1, 2019, pp. 35-36. DOI:
- "'Ask the City for Guidance': Challenges and Possibilities in Contemporary London Urban Fantasy." The Street and the City V: Challenges. Centre for English Studies, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal. 6 December 2024.
- "'A Stranger London: Space, Knowledge and Participation in Urban Fantasy." Interdisciplinary Lecture Series of the Faculty of Humanities, The City. Culture-led Regeneration: Space - Knowledge - Participation. Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany. 14. May 2024.
- "Urban Surveillance, Magic and Technology in Contemporary London Urban Fantasy." Whimsy. International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts. International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA), Marriott Lakeside Orlando Airport, Orlando, United States of America. 16. March 2024.
- "Politics of Suppression and Violence in the Fantastic Beasts Series." Harry Potter Academic Conference. Chestnut Hill College, Chestnut Hill, United States of America. 20 October 2023. Online.
- "Somapolis, Mnemopolis: Haunted London in Contemporary Urban Fantasy." Haunted Landscapes. Dark Economies, Falmouth University, Falmouth, United Kingdom. 4 July 2023.
- "London, Through a Private I." TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Deutschland. 15 June 2023.
- "Brexit Nostalgia and the Postimperial Metropolis: Imagining Fantastic London in the Twenty-First Century." Geographies of the Fantastic and the Quotidian. Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), University of California (UCLA), Los Angeles, United States of America. 11 November 2022.
- "Mapping Fantastic London in the Twenty-First Century." Fantastic Geographies. Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung (GFF), Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany. 23 September 2022.
- "Anxious City: Chaos and Order in Twenty-First-Century London Urban Fantasy." ESSE Doctoral Symposium. ESSE, Johann-Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany. 30 August 2022.
- "Harry Potter and Postfeminism." Rostock University, Rostock, Germany. 19 May 2022.
- with Madeline Becker. "Studierendenkonferenz als alternative Prüfungsform." 15th Workshop of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures, Economic Criticism. Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany. 6 May 2022.
- "The Monobloc Chair: Democratising the Practice of Sitting." Craft: A Project about European Cultural Heritage. Art Biennale, Venice, Italy. 19 September 2019.
- "Animal Symbolism: Behind the Patronus Charm." Flora and Fauna in Fantastic Worlds. Inklings Society for Literature and Aesthetics e.V., Rhenish Friedrichs-Wilhelm-University, Bonn, Germany. 9 March 2019.
- "'There is something at work in my soul which I do not understand.' A Comparative Analysis of the Double in Frankenstein, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and The Picture of Dorian Gray." Frankenstein: Parabola of Modernity. Inklings Society for Literature and Aesthetics e.V., German Museum of Medical History, Ingolstadt, Germany. 29 September 2018.
- "Of Muggles and Men: Identifying Racism in the Harry Potter Series." The Allure of Harry Potter. Inklings Society for Literature and Aesthetics e.V., Rhenish-Westphalian Technical College, Aachen, Germany. 9 September 2017.
Winter Semester 2024/25
Summer Semester 2024
Winter Semester 2023/24
Summer Semester 2023
Winter Semester 2022/23
Summer Semester 2022
Winter Semester 2021/22
Summer Semester 2021
Winter Semester 2020/21
Summer Semester 2020
Winter Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2019
Winter Semester 2018/19
during the lecture break only by appointment